It’s 2015, most of us barely use paper cash for our daily transactions, we receive emails not letters, use our phone to book our travel and we’re moving towards a more paper free world. Thanks to instant technology, work flow has never been easier. When it came to traditional offices, one could stumble upon piles of papers within the four walls and behind it all, an irate person. This was a paper story that didn’t seem to end but it’s come a long way since then. This 2015, we reminisce about how things have evolved from go-by-the-book-rules to going paper free. Let us look at how simple things have turned into more efficient processes after going the paperless way.
Sharing word Documents online:
Sharing files with other colleagues, users and getting prompt replies is a greater shift than waiting for hours together to get things right. Work flow goes seamlessly without any delay or glitch with online communication and digitized information. For startups and small businesses, Google Docs is one such great example. It lets one share work related documents in one go. It instantly saves your work saving both your work and time. You can even download the work files if you need it in print form or send it via mail. It allows one to have control over the privacy settings so that they get to choose who can edit or review their files. A good solution for basic office documentation work.
Paper free reports and bill payment:
Paper bill statements have given way for online invoices, mails and checks. A large number of organizations including the banking sector have moved away from paper waste and paper intensive processes like printed statements, invoices and reports moving towards paperless software technology. Invoicing and billing related processes are prime candidates to evaluate paperless systems for. Plus, doing it online keeps track of everything and enables them to be more organized. It keeps a record of the payments made so the question of error does not arise. Even the traditional use of drafts has given way to newer alternatives so work flow improves.
For storing and sharing files:
Sharing and storing files in a digital file transfer system is a great option rather than doing paper work. It allows you to create different folders for each report making retrieval easier, quicker and file management more efficient.
Fix meetings promptly:
Fixing meetings can be a thing for concern when it comes to handling multiple clients. But paper free options have improved the process of scheduling meetings. Doodle being one of the free services. It allows the clients to hold researches and fix meetings.
For faxing purposes:
Most of the companies depend on faxing for communicating with their respective clients. eFax, PDF document transfer and other technologies now offer alternative options free from all the paper work.
Having an organization move towards paperless processes is the wisest investments in this day and age. It saves your time, storage space and money. It provides you with better servicing and customization. One can quickly respond to any inquiries from wherever they are when documents and information is digital. Another plus point for this is doing something for the environment. It simply means going the green effect way. It takes care of piling work with more and more papers. It takes one to make a conscious effort to give too much importance on paper use. Going the paperless route results in an office free from paper clutter and there are some highly effective platforms such as PaperSave designed to help make that transition to paperless for organizations and businesses.